Proyek Aisyiyah

Mendukung kegiatan organisasi di tingkat kabupaten dan kecamatan.

A large, green university building with multiple stories, featuring the sign 'Fakultas Tarbiyah' above the entrance. People are gathered on the steps in front of the building, some sitting while others stand. The scene is framed by small palm trees and stone steps leading up to the entrance.
A large, green university building with multiple stories, featuring the sign 'Fakultas Tarbiyah' above the entrance. People are gathered on the steps in front of the building, some sitting while others stand. The scene is framed by small palm trees and stone steps leading up to the entrance.
Kegiatan Rutin

Mengadakan pertemuan bulanan untuk anggota dan masyarakat.

A group of children sit attentively on a carpet in a mosque, listening to a man standing before them. The architecture features high arched ceilings and ornate designs. The children are wearing colorful clothing, some with headscarves or masks.
A group of children sit attentively on a carpet in a mosque, listening to a man standing before them. The architecture features high arched ceilings and ornate designs. The children are wearing colorful clothing, some with headscarves or masks.
Pelatihan Anggota

Memberikan pelatihan keterampilan untuk pengembangan anggota organisasi.

Five young individuals wearing white uniforms and hijabs are posing playfully, with their hands forming gesture signs in front of a colorful geometric wall.
Five young individuals wearing white uniforms and hijabs are posing playfully, with their hands forming gesture signs in front of a colorful geometric wall.
A group of students in white hijabs and plaid skirts are posing together outdoors. Some are holding up their hands, which are painted in vibrant colors like red, green, and yellow. They are smiling and appear to be enjoying a school event. In the background, there is a banner with text, and the surroundings are bright and sunny with trees and school buildings.
A group of students in white hijabs and plaid skirts are posing together outdoors. Some are holding up their hands, which are painted in vibrant colors like red, green, and yellow. They are smiling and appear to be enjoying a school event. In the background, there is a banner with text, and the surroundings are bright and sunny with trees and school buildings.
Program Sosial

Melaksanakan program sosial untuk membantu masyarakat sekitar.

Kegiatan Edukasi

Menyelenggarakan seminar dan workshop untuk peningkatan pengetahuan.


You didn’t come this far to stop

Kegiatan Rutin

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Pertemuan Bulanan

Pertemuan bulanan Majelis adalah momen yang dinanti oleh seluruh jamaah untuk berkumpul, berdiskusi, dan meningkatkan pemahaman keislaman. Dalam setiap pertemuan, akan ada kajian mendalam mengenai ajaran Islam, tausiyah dari para ustadz, serta pembahasan mengenai kegiatan sosial dan keagamaan yang akan dilakukan. Acara ini menjadi kesempatan bagi jamaah untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi, berbagi pengalaman, serta bersama-sama mencari solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan adanya pertemuan ini, diharapkan setiap peserta dapat memperoleh ilmu yang bermanfaat serta semakin semangat dalam menjalankan ajaran agama dengan penuh keikhlasan.